Let’s look at The Suicide Squad roster. The first person that has to be named is Bloodsport. He’s easily the most dangerous member of the team. He found a way to put Superman in the hospital. He’ll find a way to put Adam there as well.
This writer believes that Bloodsport gets the right equipment to take out Black Adam. Adam may be faster than bullets, but Bloodsport would know that and be ready. He’s smart enough to use Black Adam’s arrogance against him. He’ll assume he’s being attacked by regular bullets and could end up getting shot by something that can incapacitate or kill him.
Harley Quinn
Next up we have the wild card of the group, Harley Quinn. In the comics and her self titled animated show, Harley finds ways to overcome the odds. During Heroes in Crisis, Harley took out Batman, Wonder Woman, and Superman all at once. A feat that people rarely mention.
While this isn’t the comics, Harley shouldn’t be counted out. She’s random enough to survive a battle with Black Adam. Her haphazard fighting style combined with her uncanny luck would help her team win the fight. Harley would be lucky enough get tosses and land somewhere that has a weapon that could hurt or kill their target.