11 Marvel villains who must join the Marvel Cinematic Universe

akb_dtlra_stills_120415.089228 – Erik/Magneto (Michael Fassbender) has the power to manipulate magnetic fields. Photo Credit: Courtesy Twentieth Century Fox.
akb_dtlra_stills_120415.089228 – Erik/Magneto (Michael Fassbender) has the power to manipulate magnetic fields. Photo Credit: Courtesy Twentieth Century Fox. /
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Marvel Cinematic Universe
087_ad_3690_v3099_left.1073_2 – Apocalypse (Oscar Isaac), the original and most powerful mutant, embarks on a path of global destruction. Photo Credit: Courtesy Twentieth Century Fox. /


En Sabah Nur is one of the many villains that the X-Men battle. At his weakest, Apocalypse could still defeat the X-Men by himself.

The 1990’s X-Men cartoon did an amazing job showing his power. The energy blasts, super strength, and complete control of his molecular structure are all great, but that’s not what makes him a threat. What makes him deadly is his genius intellect. Having been alive for centuries wasn’t a waste. He continued to get smarter and evolve with the world as he’s gotten older. Each time he returns, he comes back tougher and with a more complex plan to cull the weak.

What Apocalypse brings to the Marvel Cinematic Universe

X-Men: Apocalypse was a failure. It may have made its money back at the worldwide box office, but you’ll be lucky to find someone who enjoyed this movie. Focusing just on Apocalypse, he wasn’t what the fans wanted. He didn’t have any of his creative speeches or put fear into anyone. The Horsemen did all the work. Coming to the MCU will return Apocalypse to glory.

We’ll get the dramatic orations with the big hand gestures and the fans will eat that up. His costume will look better than the cheesy mess 20th Century Fox used. Most importantly, the X-Men have another consistent villain that isn’t Magneto. Apocalypse never really dies. This means he can fight them forever. Hopefully, we’ll get the Age of Apocalypse story.