Marvel Comics: The X-Men and Avengers combine again before Fall of X

Marvel's Avengers: Age Of Ultron..Captain America/Steve Rogers (Chris Evans) ..Ph: Jay Maidment..©Marvel 2015
Marvel's Avengers: Age Of Ultron..Captain America/Steve Rogers (Chris Evans) ..Ph: Jay Maidment..©Marvel 2015

The X-Men and Earth’s Mightiest heroes are coming together once again to form the Uncanny Avengers!

After the events of Avengers vs X-Men, a new Avengers team was created. The Avengers Unity Division was supposed to bridge the gap between the two superhero teams. The first team consisted of Thor, Captain America, Wolverine, Havok, Scarlet Witch, and Rogue. As usual, more people left and others came on.

The great thing about this team is that people who normally wouldn’t be part of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes joined the team. Not only that, but they were also crucial members. For example, without Cable, Rogue, and Deadpool, Red Skull would have taken over the world (Uncanny Avengers: Unity: Red Skull).

Years later, Marvel Comics announced it was bringing that series back. This time, the team is composed of Captain America, Captain Krakoa, Rogue, Monet St. Croix, Quicksilver, Psylocke, and Deadpool. It’s important to note that Monet St. Croix and Psylocke have never been on an Avengers team. It’ll be interesting to see how they adjust to being on a more public superhero roster. Especially Monet. There’s no way she doesn’t butt heads with Captain America. Plus, she doesn’t like Quicksilver. Her disdain goes back to her days with X-Factor Investigations. Possibly longer.

"“This August, the Avengers’ Unity Squad will return in a new run of UNCANNY AVENGERS written by Gerry Duggan and drawn by Javier Garrón. Innocent people and world leaders are dead after simultaneous attacks on the U.S. and Krakoan governments, and that means one thing: it’s time for a new squad of Avengers.”"

If that’s not enough, how about this? This team will be part of the roll-out that leads to the X-Men event The Fall of X and it’ll be written by Gerry Duggan with artwork by Javier Garrón. Duggan’s return to this comic book series only makes sense. He has a feel for what this team should be. It also helps that he’s been writing X-Men for the last couple of years and writing the 2023 X-Men: Hellfire Gala as well. All of this leads to this series being one of the more incredibly put-together rosters and creative teams.

Uncanny Avengers is set to be released in August of 2023. Stay tuned to Bam Smack Pow for more news on this team, the X-Men, and The Fall of X as it comes out.

What do you think of the newest Uncanny Avengers roster? Let us know in the comments below.