Chris Evans delivered some amazing performances as Captain America during his time in the MCU, but what was his best and worst Marvel movie?
There were many characters introduced in the Infinity Saga, but it’s hard not to think of those early days of the Marvel Cinematic Universe and immediately think of the six Avengers who help lay the groundwork for what would eventually become the vast and ever-expanding MCU.
The six original Avengers each played a crucial role in the MCU with the actors behind the characters appearing in several films during the Infinity Saga. Among the six was Chris Evans, who was tasked with the daunting task of taking on the role of one of Marvel’s oldest and most iconic characters: Captain America.
When he first took on the role, Evans was no stranger to the superhero genre having previously played the Human Torch in 20th Century FOX’s Fantastic Four films. While this experience proved helpful in the long run, it also made the expectations that much higher when Evans first appeared as the character back in 2011’s Captain America: The First Avenger.
Fortunately for audiences (and Marvel Studios), Evans more than exceeded expectations in delivering a standout performance that would define the MCU’s first chapter. As Steve Rogers, Evan delivered one of his finest performances and helped to carry a trio of standalone films while also playing a key role in several of Marvel’s larger Avengers ensemble projects.
During his time in the MCU, Evans delivered some amazing performances and gifted fans with some of the most memorable moments in the history of the MCU. However, it’s fair to say that not every one of his appearances in the MCU shone as brightly as others. Which Marvel movies were Cap’s best and which could have been better?
** Note: For the purpose of this ranking, we only are looking at the movies Chris Evans played Captain America in a large or leading role. We are not including the movies in which he simply made a cameo.