Jon Kent’s adventure takes a turn when Injustice’s Superman breaks the neck of the insane and homicidal Ultraman. What’s next for both Supermen?
Adventures of Superman: Jon Kent starts with a mission presented by Val-Zod (Superman from Earth-2) for Jon Kent. Ultraman (an evil version of the Man of Steel) is killing Supermen across the multiverse. Val-Zod and Red Tornado (an alternate version who’s actually Lois Lane) need Jon to take Ultraman out. However, they were unaware that Jon has a history with Ultraman. The villain kept Jon imprisoned for years in a volcano on an alternate reality’s Earth. Of course, Jon accepted the mission. Unfortunately, they had to wait for Ultraman to kill someone again before they could find him.
As soon as the trio makes it to Ultraman, the villain takes out Red Tornado. Then sends her and Val-Zod to the Phantom Zone. Ultraman and Jon fight and Jon is losing badly. Then, Jon’s electric powers kick in and the young Superman punches Utraman harder than he’s ever been hit. Since Jon isn’t used to his new abilities, the move exhausts him and Ultraman recovers. This leaves him at the mercy of Ultraman.
Ultraman goes on to say he’s going to keep Jon alive to “play with” and that he’ll make Jon’s Lois suffer. Before any of that can happen, a mysterious person says that he (Ultra) won’t. The next page reveals that it’s the Injustice Universe’s Superman breaking Ultraman’s neck. Jon is shocked to see someone so much like his father killed. With a tear in his eye, Earth 49 Clark Kent says, “You have your mother’s eyes.” Since his Earth’s Lois Lane was killed while pregnant with their child, it makes sense that it’s all he could say.
There are a few questions that need answering. First, what really happened after the Injustice 2 video game? If Superman won, that means Batman is under his control. If he lost, that means he’s in the Phantom. Either way, the aftermath needs to be explained. Second, how did he get to Ultraman and how did he know what was going on? Did Val-Zod and Red Tornado get him for backup? If they did, why did they keep his involvement from Jon? Are they how he escaped the Phantom Zone? Lastly, and most important, what’s next for the two Supermen?
Jon, like his father, isn’t ok with murder. Injustice Superman solves most of his problems by killing. Is Jon going to be furious with what happened even though he saved Jon’s life? Will Superman bring him to his Earth? If so, will he try to keep him there to replace the loss of his child? We’ll have to wait and see.
Stay tuned to Bam Smack Pow for more on this as the series continues.
What do you think is next for Jon Kent and the Injustice Superman? Let us know in the comments below.