There have been some amazing actors who have played Jim Gordon on the big and small screen, but who delivered the best performance?
When one thinks of Batman and his allies, it’s likely that the first characters who come to mind are members of the Bat Family. Allies such as Robin, Nightwing, Batgirl, etc, who have suited up to do battle in the streets alongside the Dark Knight on countless occasions.
While there is no discounting the Bat Family and the impact they’ve had on Batman’s storylines over the years, there’s another long-standing ally who has long been one of Batman’s most trusted and dependable allies. We’re, of course, referring to Gotham City Police Commissioner Jim Gordon, who has worked alongside Batman for nearly his entire existence and has become one of the Dark Knight’s most reliable allies.
What helps to set Gordon apart from Batman’s other allies, is the oath he’s taken to the city of Gotham as a member of law enforcement which allows him to, in a sense, keep Batman in check and provide an objective view. Gordon isn’t afraid to stand up to Batman and call him out when needed but is also the first to come to his defense and provide support in a way only he is capable of doing in his position as an officer of the law.
Over the years, we’ve seen many iterations of the character within the various Batman movies, shows, video games, etc, which is to be expected as you can’t tell a Batman story without Gordon. He’s an integral part of most Batman stories, which is why he’s popped up in each tentpole project from DC in some capacity.
There have been many amazing actors to suit up as Gordon over the years, and many unique interpretations of the character but which ones were truly worth remembering?
Note: While there were multiple other actors to voice Jim Gordon on TV and in video games, this list will take a look at the most famous (and best) to do so on the big screen or small screen.