Best Netflix shows based on comic books
While Marvel and DC might get the glory when it comes to superhero shows, Netflix has been quietly releasing some truly amazing shows based on comic book properties over the last several years based on other IPs that deserve your attention.
Sure, Netflix once was home to several amazing Marvel shows and one of our favorite Netflix shows is based on a comic from the DC umbrella of shows, but Netflix has also found a way of carving out a place within the comic book landscape by adapting iconic titles from lesser known publishers as well.
There are many amazing comic book-inspired Netflix shows and the list just seems to keep growing year after year. There are a lot of of amazing comic book series worth watching, but there are also some that you won’t be missing out on by skipping them
Here’s a ranking of the 13 original Netflix shows inspired by comic books.
Note: There are many amazing comic book-inspired shows streaming on Netflix including the Arrowverse shows; however, you won’t see those shows on the list as we’re strictly ranking Netflix originals. You also won’t see the Netflix-Marvel shows on this list due to the fact that we’re only ranking shows currently available on Netflix.