2. Sebastian Shaw
"“I don’t ask for favors, Colonel. I express my expectations. So, let me say it again. I EXPECT you’ll reconsider.”-Sebastian Shaw"
Movie: X-Men: First Class
The Hellfire Club was different in the movies. Instead of being a mutant group of socialites who controlled the world from the shadows, they were mutant terrorists and their leader was Sebastian Shaw. Shaw had been a deplorable human being since World War 2. During that time, he was part of a group that was experimenting on people with abilities. Among them was Erik Lehnsherr (Magneto). In order for Shaw to get the most out of Magneto, he shot and killed Erik’s mother. For decades after that, Shaw went on to kill dozens of people to get what he wanted.
Unlike some leaders, Sebastian Shaw didn’t sit back and wait for things to happen. Most of the time he was in front with his team making sure everything went the way it was supposed to. A quality that makes people respect their leader. Plus, he really helped the audience truly hate him when he was the one doing the killing.
There’s no way that people would have thought Kevin Bacon would be this good of a comic book villain in 2011. It didn’t seem like a role he would take. However, fans know that Kevin Bacon almost always knocks a role out of the park. This is why it’s not shocking that he helped return the X-Men movie franchise back to prominence. Even if it was a short stint at the top.