12 X-Men movie villains ranked from worst to best

akb_dtlra_stills_120415.089228 – Erik/Magneto (Michael Fassbender) has the power to manipulate magnetic fields. Photo Credit: Courtesy Twentieth Century Fox.
akb_dtlra_stills_120415.089228 – Erik/Magneto (Michael Fassbender) has the power to manipulate magnetic fields. Photo Credit: Courtesy Twentieth Century Fox. /
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11. Reavers

Movie: Logan

"“Well, I left him in the same ditch you was going to leave me in…”-Donald Pierce"

This list begins with a group that puts the word human to the test. The Reavers sacrificed their humanity for evil and money. They’ll remove parts of their limbs and replace them with cybernetic enhancements to turn their bodies into weapons. It isn’t the machine parts that should revoke their card from humanity. It’s the fact that they did it to hunt mutants and kill them if needed.

As you’ll see in this article, villains do things for various reasons. Some of their motivations could be considered noble. The Reavers do it for money. That’s not honorable. To make it worse, it’s usually children that they’re going after. In the end, the same children they hunted and killed became their demise. An irony they deserved.

As good as the Reavers were, they didn’t leave a lasting impression on the audience. Granted, a lot of that has to do with Hugh Jackman (Logan) and Dafne Keen (Laura) doing such a great job. Thankfully, Donald Pierce (Boyd Holbrook) was there. He made sure that the Reavers were more than just a group of faceless grunts. His moments of cowardice and arrogance were brilliantly done. He was everything that Logan wasn’t and exactly what the movie needed.