4. Zack Snyder’s Justice League
After years of campaigning, Zack Snyder fans finally got their wish when Zack Snyder’s Justice League was released on HBO Max in 2021. The long-awaited “Snyder Cut” restored Snyder’s vision for the DCEU’s long-teased team-up, giving audiences the version of Justice League they were initially supposed to see in 2017. And even though its four-hour runtime received criticism, its widely regarded as a superior movie to its theatrical cut.
But Zack Snyder’s Justice League isn’t just a superior film, it’s a superior Wonder Woman film, showcasing the powerful warrior that the Amazonian princess is. Through her multiple altercations with Steppenwolf, she’s portrayed as the formidable and godly presence the previous movies established her as. The near-unstoppable villain takes her seriously, craving battle with a worthy adversary, just as she takes him seriously as well.
Wonder Woman feels like one of the main players in a movie that she always should have been, and she’s not even the hero who benefits from the director’s cut of the movie the most. That just highlights the many issues with the theatrical version.
It’s not the DCEU’s strongest example of Wonder Woman, but it’s one of its best. This is the Justice League we should have seen in the movie theaters.