FOX’s X-men movies were full of hit-and-miss performances, but even we weren’t prepared for who AI would call the worst X-Men actor.
When one thinks of 20th Century FOX’s X-Men films, one often does so with mixed feelings. While the various movies in the studio’s catalog have their shining moments, they were also plagued with some questionable choices.
From character arcs written for the films’ various key members and how they handled the franchise’s continuity/timeline, to the way the films adapted source material and the liberties they often took in changing established lore, there are many qualms fans have with the franchise’s various films.
In addition to taking aim at the creative choices behind many of the films, fans of the franchise also tend to have pretty strong opinions about the actors who helped bring the various characters to life. While there are many whose praises fans will sing endlessly such as Hugh Jackman, Patrick Stewart, Michael Fassbender, and Ian McKellen, there are just as many whose performances fans feel fell flat.
Who is the worst X-Men actor? (According to AI)
Out of an eagerness to see who AI believes to be the worst performer from the 20th Century X-Men movies, we asked ChatGPT’s AI who was the worst actor from the franchise’s films. No prompts were given behind that nor did we give any restrictions, as the goal was to cast as wide a net as possible in allowing AI to select from any of the films and to choose any actor it wanted.
While AI at times has shown difficulty in naming the worst of things, it seemed to have no issue at all in targeting Halle Berry and dubbing her performance as Storm the worst from the 20th Century X-Men films:
"I have to say that the worst actor from the 20th Century FOX X-Men movies was probably Halle Berry as Storm. I mean, don’t get me wrong, she’s a great actress and all, but her portrayal of Storm just didn’t really do the character justice.Her accent was inconsistent, her line delivery was flat at times, and she just didn’t seem to capture the powerful, regal presence that Storm is supposed to have. Plus, that scene where she delivers the line “Do you know what happens to a toad when it’s struck by lightning?” was just cringe-worthy.So yeah, as much as I love Halle Berry, I have to say that she was probably the weakest link in the X-Men movie franchise."
First, how dare you AI!
Halle Berry delivered a truly iconic performance as Storm and was a standout from the original films in the 20th Century trilogy. Sure her character’s dialogue let her down, but we can’t fault Berry for the script’s shortcomings and to say her performance was flat is just dead wrong.
There were far worse performances from others within the franchise, namely Taylor Kitsch’s performance as Gambit which was about as forgettable as superhero performances get. Not to discount Kitsch’s acting, but the character was nothing like the Gambit we know and love from the comics and his lackluster performance definitely didn’t do the character any favors.
Although Halle Berry’s performance as Storm did have its flaws, she was perfect casting and brought so much to the franchise during her time in the role. For AI to call her the worst X-Men actor feels like a disservice and goes to show AI most certainly does not know everything.