10 best comic book movie sequels ever made, ranked

"Marvel's Captain America: The Winter Soldier"..Winter Soldier/Bucky Barnes (Sebastian Stan)..Ph: Film Frame..© 2014 Marvel. All Rights Reserved.
"Marvel's Captain America: The Winter Soldier"..Winter Soldier/Bucky Barnes (Sebastian Stan)..Ph: Film Frame..© 2014 Marvel. All Rights Reserved. /
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8. Blade 2

Previous comic book project: Blade

"“Take me to him, and I’ll consider you a loose end.” – Blade"

Blade 2 may seem too high on this list to some, especially considering how much this writer spoke about a sequel needing to connect to the original. Sure, the movie started with Blade rescuing Whistler after he was turned, but that’s the only plot that carried over. Everything else was new. That being said, it’s more than okay for a sequel to be something new. In this case, distancing itself from the original story and starting its own was a brilliant choice.

At the end of Blade, all of the antagonists causing trouble were dealt with. There was no need to go back to that plot. All fans needed was for Blade to fight vampires and make it look good. That happened. Secondly, there needed to be a villain that could challenge the Daywalker. The creative team was successful yet again. Instead of normal vampires, Blade fought an enhanced version of a vampire. To top it all, he had to team up with other vampires who eventually betrayed him.

Blade 2 is a classic comic book movie. Violence, jokes, one-liners, and a badass hero. It also has one of the best action scenes of all time (as you can see above). There’s even a scene that may leave you in tears. Overall, just a fantastic continuation of the Blade franchise.