6 actors who could replace Jared Leto as The Joker in the DC Universe

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Batwoman, Marquis Jet, Joker
Batwoman — “Trust Destiny” — Image Number: XXX — Pictured: Nick Creegan as Marquis Jet — Photo: Dean Buscher/The CW — © 2022 The CW Network, LLC. All Rights Reserved. /

Nick Creegan

If DC Studios wanted to cast an actor familiar with what it takes to play The Joker without actually having played The Joker himself, then Nick Creegan would be an exceptional choice for the part. The young actor portrayed a new variation of the character on the third season of The CW’s Batwoman and to say that he did a fine job would be a major understatement.

Marquis Jet was the brother of the Scarlet Knight herself, Ryan Wilder, and most of the time he was a lovely, approachable young man. However, he was also suffering the side effects of an attack by The Joker years beforehand, which slowly turned him into an unhinged Joker-like character that rampaged all through Gotham City.

Marquis was part of Batwoman‘s second-generation of Batman villains who showed up in season 3, and he quickly proved himself to be the most formidable of them all. Creegan did a wonderful job bringing the character to life, ensuring that we rooted for the real Marquis to overcome the evil persona that had taken root inside of him, while also making us all terrified with his convincing performance.

Creegan was awesome as a Joker-inspired villain and he would be equally as impressive at playing the original version of that villain himself.