WandaVision spinoff series Agatha: Coven of Chaos cast Aubrey Plaza Plaza in a mystery role.
Late last year, news outlets began to share that actress Aubrey Plaza (Parks and Rec, The White Lotus) was cast in a mystery role in the upcoming Agatha: Coven of Chaos series for Disney Plus. As accustomed, Marvel Studios is doing all within its power to keep as much of the anticipated series a secret as possible. Still, as always, rumors have swelled all over the internet since.
Many fans have been speculating about who Aubrey might be playing in the magical series, including the prominent “another witch” theory since the series will be exploring a coven of witches as we focus more on Kathryn Hahn’s character Agatha Harkness, first seen in the critically acclaimed WandaVision.
Another popular theory was that Plaza was taking on the role of Mephisto, a character we all expected to see making his devilish debut in WandaVision. It was rumored that Plaza’s connection with the MCU was going to span over various projects and that it wasn’t just a one-and-done situation. The role she will be playing will have significant importance to the MCU going forward.
A recent rumor suggests she could be playing quite a big Marvel character.
Is Aubrey Plaza playing Death in Agatha: Coven of Chaos?
According to Giant Freakin Robot, rumor has it that Aubrey Plaza will be playing the character of Death, the cosmic being personifying death itself. The character of Death is a powerful being in the Marvel universe and could be a key antagonist for the MCU going forward. Death has connections with many Marvel characters including being portrayed as a love interest of Thanos, and everyone’s favorite merc with a mouth, Deadpool.
Having Death debut in the MCU should be an easy transition since she is very prominent within the comics already. Known for her omnipotency and vast abilities including necromancy, teleportation, shape-shifting, and reality warping, Lady Death can prove to be quite the Marvel baddie for our heroes to fight against.
Aubrey Plaza is known for her deadpan comedic roles such as her breakout role in Parks and Recreation, and showcased her more dramatic side in movies like the dark-comedy Ingrid Goes West (opposite Elizabeth Olsen) the drama Black Bear, and her role in season 2 of hit HBO anthology series The White Lotus. Seeing her go full villain with vast power would be amazing to see but it actually wouldn’t be the first time for Plaza.

Aubrey’s Plaza’s history with Marvel
Aubrey Plaza played an important role in FX’s Marvel series Legion opposite Dan Stevens, who played the mutant son of none other than Charles Xavier. She played Lenny Busker who had an interesting story arc in the series often playing antagonist to Stevens’ Legion. Aubrey’s character had many scenes showcasing their powers and villainous attempts to create obstacles for Legion as the series progressed, It’s no secret Plaza enjoys the dark side, often referring to her admiration for witches and horror, even naming her production company Evil Hag Productions.
In an interview with GQ Magazine Plaza mentioned that she has “a really pivotal role” in the MCU’s Coven of Chaos series. Whomever she will be playing for Marvel, she will surely make an impact as she did in Legion and if Marvel Studios has truly signed her on for multiple projects, then we will hopefully be seeing lots of Plaza in the MCU to come.
With no official release date as of yet, Agatha: Coven of Chaos should be expected sometime between late 2023 and early 2024 streaming only on Disney Plus.