6. Alice in Wonderland
Disney’s live-action remake of Alice in Wonderland brings Lewis Carroll’s classic story to life with a new twist. The film follows Alice Kingsleigh, now a teenager, as she navigates her way back to Underland, a magical world that she visited as a child and now only remembers in her dreams. The plot takes an unexpected turn when Alice chases after the White Rabbit and finds herself once again reunited with her whimsical friends, the Mad Hatter, the Cheshire Cat, and others.
The highlight of the film is undoubtedly the visual effects that bring the fantastical world of Underland to life. From the colorful and bizarre landscapes to the incredible costume design, every aspect of the movie’s visual style is breathtaking which was a must for a film set against a whimsical backdrop. The creatures and characters in the film are rendered with incredible attention to detail, making it easy to get lost in the magic of the world created on screen.
Johnny Depp’s portrayal of the Mad Hatter was a true standout, adding a layer of quirkiness and depth to the character while Helena Bonham Carter’s portrayal of the villainous Red Queen gave her yet another opportunity to showcase her talent for portraying complex and dynamic characters.
Alice in Wonderland isn’t given enough credit for sparking Disney’s live-action remake trend that gifted us with the many films on this list and the handful of additional remakes still in the works! Had the film underperformed, it’s highly likely many movies on this list would never have happened so audiences owe quite a lot to Alice.