The Walking Dead: 23 most disliked TWD characters

Jeffrey Dean Morgan as Negan - The Walking Dead _ Season 11 - Photo Credit: Josh Stringer/AMC
Jeffrey Dean Morgan as Negan - The Walking Dead _ Season 11 - Photo Credit: Josh Stringer/AMC
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Michael Traynor as Nicholas – The Walking Dead _ Season 6, Episode 3 – Photo Credit: Gene Page/AMC
Michael Traynor as Nicholas – The Walking Dead _ Season 6, Episode 3 – Photo Credit: Gene Page/AMC

11. Nicholas

Some fans might be wondering why Nicholas ranks higher on this list than Jadis. Nicholas falls higher on the list because he’s always been more polarizing, and Jadis did at least save Rick’s life. Nicholas was just flat out a terrible human being. Not a villain, but a coward. He was threatened and intimidated by Glenn and the others from Rick’s group from the very start. He got people killed, and he almost killed Glenn twice.

When Glenn, Tara, Eugene, Nicholas and Aiden went on the supply run to the warehouse where Aiden was killed, Nicholas made no attempt to save Aiden and was perfectly willing to leave Aiden to die a horrible death. He insinuated to Glenn that he and Aiden had left people to die on runs before. And as they were trying to escape the warehouse, he was supposed to hold a revolving door shut to protect Noah and Glenn but he didn’t. He ran off, leaving the door open and letting walkers rips Noah apart in front of a horrified Glenn who couldn’t do anything to stop them.

Several episodes later he attacked Glenn in the woods and shot him in the shoulder before attacking him and trying to throw him into a walker to be eaten. And in another episode, he and Glenn are surrounded by walkers, and as he falls into a pile of walkers, he pulls Glenn down with him. Glenn narrowly manages to survive by crawling under the infamous dumpster.

Nicholas was given chance after chance to change and become a decent human being, but he refused to try and be better. The only thing that was sad about his death was that Glenn didn’t kill him.