10 stars who would make incredible comic book characters
Comic book movies and TV shows continue to be a popular genre and there’s nothing in sight that will stop it. The Quentin Tarantinos and Martin Scorseses of the world may not like it, but it’s not going to change. Specifically, because comic book shows and movies aren’t the genre. The characters are in action, drama, and romance projects. It just happens that the starring roles come from comic books.
Because the category is well-liked, performers will make their play to be in projects. Not only can this lead to steady work, but it’s a great way to get noticed. Stars can use this to avoid being typecast. Chris Evans is a good example. If you look at his roles after playing Steve Rogers, you’ll see a more diverse set of movies. He no longer had to be the comedic relief or the heartthrob in every movie.
Coming up are ten performers that would be great in comic book roles. Others may have missed their opportunity due to their age, the roles already being cast, and other reasons. The following performers and who they play are based on what they’ve already done or their potential to be more than what we’ve seen. Let’s begin.