Superior Spider-Man returning is a good thing, however…

Doc Ock (Alfred Molina) and Spider-Man battle it out in Columbia Pictures' SPIDER-MAN: NO WAY HOME. Courtesy of Sony Pictures. ©2021 CTMG. All Rights Reserved. MARVEL and all related character names: © & ™ 2021 MARVEL
Doc Ock (Alfred Molina) and Spider-Man battle it out in Columbia Pictures' SPIDER-MAN: NO WAY HOME. Courtesy of Sony Pictures. ©2021 CTMG. All Rights Reserved. MARVEL and all related character names: © & ™ 2021 MARVEL

Marvel Comics and Dan Slott are bringing back the Superior Spider-Man. While people didn’t like the series, this writer is anticipating its return.

Dan Slott is one of the longest-running Spider-Man writers of the last two decades. Within that run, he’s one of the reasons that there is a Spider-Verse. In 2014, he restarted an Amazing Spider-Man run at issue No. 1. This saw Marvel Comics highlighting an infinite number of Spider-Beings. While J. Michael Straczynski started the idea of the Spider-Totems, Slott continued the idea and improved on it. As well-received as Spider-Verse was, this also saw the creation of a character that fans detested. He introduced the Superior Spider-Man.

In The Amazing Spider-Man No. 700, Doctor Otto Octavius did the impossible. He defeated Spidey and took over Peter Parker’s body and life. After seeing what Peter was capable of as Spidey, he made a vow to become better than Peter, deciding to become the “Superior” Spider-Man.

This leads to a comic book series that left Marvel Comics’ fans in an uproar. Some people even sent Dan Slott death threats (disgusting, but true). Now, the controversial Superior Spidey is returning and this writer is all for it.

What does bringing Superior Spider-Man back mean?

After Otto Octavius returns Peter Parker’s body, writer Christos Gage brings him back in a different way. This time Otto is in a younger, cloned version of himself. He also gave himself all of the Spider-Powers he once had. More importantly, he became a better character as the series went on.

Otto remained an arrogant, self-entitled jerk, but he was learning to be better. He started to show compassion for other people. It looked like he was going to become one of the better characters in Marvel Comics. Unfortunately, the run ended too short. Now, ten years after the first appearance of Superior Spider-Man and four years after his demise, Dan Slott has an opportunity to continue making this character better.

In Dan Slott’s announcement on Twitter, he said Marvel, “approached me and asked if I could come up with a way to tell a NEW story with Superior, set in the present, that ‘would count’.” It leads this writer to believe that Superior Spidey is here for good and his return was already in the works for a while. This is probably why Otto appeared in the first five issues of 2023’s Deadpool.

In Deadpool by Alyssa Wong, Otto was helping Harrower experiment on Wade. Despite failing, Harrower honored their agreement. She gave Otto a box full of mysterious vials. Since Harrower seems like a specialist in genetics, those vials may be the key to Otto becoming Spider-Man again. Hopefully, Superior Spidey coming back isn’t short-lived.

The one biggest concerns are the responses from comic book “fans.” It’s possible that no matter how good the series is, readers will hate it. There are also going to be people who don’t read the series and will still say it’s horrible. Nevertheless, this writer thinks this series will be great. Dan Slott is a fantastic writer and he’ll make this run as superior as the character.

Stay tuned to Bam Smack Pow for more on Superior Spider-Man and Marvel Comics in general.

What do you think? Is bringing back the Superior Spider-Man a good idea? Let us know in the comments below.