Oscar Isaac Marvel movie performances ranked from worst to best
Oscar Isaac has done something no other actor has done. As of now, he’s played three separate Marvel Comics characters. Certainly, other performers will go on to do this. For example, Hailee Steinfeld played Hawkeye (Kate Bishop) and Spider-Woman (Gwen Stacy). Chris Evans was Johnny Storm and Steve Rogers. It’s an easy guess that other performers will reach three characters. Nevertheless, Oscar Isaac will always be the first to achieve the feat.
Oscar Isaac didn’t portray just any Marvel Comics character. He was En Sabah Nur (Apocalypse), Miguel O’Hara (Spider-Man 2099), and Marc Spector (and all of his various personalities). Each of these characters are well known in the comic book community. Adding to that, he was also in all three of the four major Marvel movie companies (Disney, Sony, and Fox). The only one he’s missing is ABC. He’s like the nexus of Marvel.
Some performers are the same person whoever they play. None of Oscar Isaac’s Marvel performances are the same. Isaac provided something different each time. That also means some performances were better than others. And here they are. All three ranked from worst to best.