All 12 Spider-Man actors ranked from worst to best

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Jessica Drew (Issa Rae) and Miguel O’ Hara (Oscar Isaac) in Columbia Pictures and Sony Pictures Animations’ SPIDER-MAN™: ACROSS THE SPIDER-VERSE.
Jessica Drew (Issa Rae) and Miguel O’ Hara (Oscar Isaac) in Columbia Pictures and Sony Pictures Animations’ SPIDER-MAN™: ACROSS THE SPIDER-VERSE.

7. Oscar Isaac

Spider-Man 2099, also known as Miguel O’Hara first appeared in The Amazing Spider-Man #365 in August 1992 but it took over 30 years before the character made his official debut on the big screen. Our first big-screen adaptation of the character was voiced by a man who is no stranger to superhero franchises: Oscar Isaac.

In Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse, Isaac brings Miguel O’Hara aka Spider-Man 2099 to life in a magical way bringing so much depth and emotion to the character via his vocal performance.

The Miguel we meet in the movie has experienced the tragic loss of his family, prompting him to embark on an extraordinary journey across various parallel universes. After tirelessly searching, he finally stumbled upon a universe where he discovered his own demise and made the decision to replace his variant self.

Consequently, he found solace in the embrace of a loving family once more. However, this act of altering the canon of existence had dire consequences on that universe, causing the very fabric of that dimension to unravel and tragically taking away his newfound family. From that moment onward, Miguel vowed never to tamper with the established order again and dedicated himself to preventing others from committing similar acts, utilizing every resource and capability at his disposal to safeguard the integrity of multiple realities.

So when Miles threatens to change canon by saving his father’s life, Miguel sets out to make sure Miles is unable to make any changes that could jeopardize the fabric of his universe. This essentially puts him in opposition to Miles and makes him an unexpected villain of sorts within the movie, which was a fun twist for moviegoers.

With another movie coming to wrap up the trilogy, there’s no telling what might be next for Isaac’s Spider-Man 2099 but what we do know is that we can’t wait to see more of Isaac’s scene-stealing performance in the final chapter of the Spider-Verse trilogy.