All 12 Spider-Man actors ranked from worst to best

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Spider-Man movies - Across the Spider-Verse, Spider-Man
Peter Parker and Miles Morales in Sony Pictures Animation’s SPIDER-MAN: INTO THE SPIDER-VERSE. /

5. Jake Johnson

Jake Johnson’s portrayal of Peter B. Parker in Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse was a standout performance that perfectly captured the essence of a weary and jaded Spider-Man. Johnson’s voice acting was spot-on, imbuing the character with a gruff, sarcastic, and yet vulnerable tone that made him feel like a real person.

Throughout the movie, Johnson’s Peter B. Parker served as a mentor to Miles Morales, the newest Spider-Man, and their chemistry on-screen was magical. Johnson’s portrayal of the character’s emotional arc was also exceptional, as he grappled with the fallout of his failed marriage to Mary Jane and the loss of his Uncle Ben.

One of the most memorable scenes in the film is when Peter B. Parker takes Miles to a diner to teach him how to be a superhero. Johnson’s delivery of the monologue where he explains the responsibilities that come with being a hero was both poignant and humorous, highlighting his skill as an actor.

Overall, Jake Johnson’s performance as Peter B. Parker in Into the Spider-Verse was a tour de force. He perfectly captured the character’s wit, charm, and emotional depth, and his chemistry with the other actors made for an incredibly engaging and entertaining viewing experience. Johnson’s contribution to the film undoubtedly played a significant role in making it the critical and commercial success that it was.