X-Men: Beast has clones hidden all over the world

CHICAGO, IL - MARCH 22: A cosplayer dressed as Beast from X-Men attends C2E2 Chicago Comic and Entertainment Expo on March 23, 2019 in Chicago, Illinois. (Photo by Daniel Boczarski/WireImage)
CHICAGO, IL - MARCH 22: A cosplayer dressed as Beast from X-Men attends C2E2 Chicago Comic and Entertainment Expo on March 23, 2019 in Chicago, Illinois. (Photo by Daniel Boczarski/WireImage)

After becoming an enemy of the X-Men and Krakoa, Hank McCoy (Beast) hid clones of himself around the world. 

The last year hasn’t been good for Hank McCoy, a.k.a. Beast. He was caught experimenting on people in Space (X-Force No. 35), almost got his former friends killed (X-Force Annual No.1), and betrayed Wolverine (Wolverine: The Beast Agenda). Those are only three of the awful things he’s done while on Krakoa. His list of atrocities is longer than that.

As deplorable as he is, Beast is aware of who he is and what the repercussions will be. He knows everything will come back and bite him in the butt. To avoid being gone forever, Beast came up with a plan. He took the time to hide clones of himself all over the world. That’s not the part that makes this plan brilliant. The best part is he put them in places too sacred to be dug up.

Beast outsmarts the X-Men and hides clones of himself all around the world

X-Force No. 41, written by Benjamin Percy, starts with Hank McCoy in one of the Pyramids of Giza. He removes a body from a sarcophagus and puts one of his clones in its place. Then he digs a place to put himself into the Colosseum in Rome. He says, “I won’t be bulldozed or jackhammered awake for hundreds or thousands of years. Then, it was off to the Great Wall of China, one of the Teotihuacan temples, and, finally, Stonehenge. Each of those places are too sacred to destroy. They’re also the last place anyone (including the X-Men) would look.

Beast’s plan worked. The X-Men never found him. Thanks to Quentin Quire (Kid Omega who’s now Old Man Omega) venturing into the future, Beast’s grip on the world never would have ended. Thank goodness he recruited X-Force.

The mutant crew has already killed two of Hank’s future clones. Now it’s off to the third. According to Quentin, the next stop is the worst. That’s only three out of five. Did they take out the others or is there more than one in the last future? Knowing Benjamin Percy, something dangerous is in store for X-Force in the next issue (release date July 12, 2023).

Stay tuned to Bam Smack Pow to see what’s next for Beast, the X-Men, and Marvel Comics in general.

What do you think is in store for X-Force and Quentin Quire next month? Let us know in the comments below.