“Who can you trust?” is just one of the many questions this series gets us to ask. Secret Invasion kicked off with a gripping pilot episode that left us with more questions than answers.
The Disney Plus series, Secret Invasion, follows an older Nick Fury as he returns to Earth to take down a group of rebel Skrulls that want to take over the planet and eliminate humanity, bitter over not receiving the new home they were promised by him and Carol Danvers.
It puts a spin on the iconic Marvel comic book event, having it take inspiration from classic espionage noir films and framing the story as a paranoid thriller where Fury is unsure of who and what he can trust.
While the pilot episode of the Marvel Cinematic Universe series clears up a lot of things, like how the blip affected Fury or where he was all this time post-Avengers: Endgame, it does also raise a bunch of new questions that we’re going to need answers to pretty soon, so here are the 5 most burning ones we have after seeing episode 1.