Secret Invasion: 5 burning questions fans need answered from episode 1

Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury in Marvel Studios' Secret Invasion, exclusively on Disney+. Photo courtesy of Marvel Studios. © 2022 MARVEL.
Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury in Marvel Studios' Secret Invasion, exclusively on Disney+. Photo courtesy of Marvel Studios. © 2022 MARVEL. /
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Secret Invasion
Martin Freeman as Agent Everett Ross in Marvel Studios’ SECRET INVASION, exclusively on Disney+. Photo by Gareth Gatrell. © 2023 MARVEL. /

5. Where is the real Ross?

At the start of the episode, we see Agent Everett Ross meet with Agent Prescod, who shares his theories about the Skrull being behind recent terrorist attacks, insisting that Ross call Fury down from S.A.B.E.R. When Ross asks for more proof, Prescod gives him a device detailing a potential next attack. Ross says he’ll take the knowledge to Fury, but suspecting he just handed over the information to an imposter, Prescod attacks Ross leading to a scuffle that ends with the former being shot and killed.

Ross escapes and contacts Maria Hill for extraction but quickly realizes he’s being pursued. After the chase comes to an abrupt halt when Ross fails to complete a jump from one rooftop to another, the stalker reveals himself to be Talos and confirms that the Ross we were following was actually a Skrull, with the imposter turning back into his natural form as he dies in the alley.

The last time we saw Ross was in Black Panther: Wakanda Forever when he was rescued from imprisonment by Okoye for helping the Wakandans during the film, raising the question of what happened to the real Ross. The Skrull imposter could have taken that form recently, or it’s possible that Ross has actually been replaced by a Skrull the entire time we’ve known him since his introduction back in Captain America: Civil War, even if he wasn’t this one in particular.

The real Ross could be in Wakanda hiding as a fugitive which gives the Skrulls the perfect opportunity to use his identity without raising too many suspicions, or he could be locked up in New Skrullos with the other humans (or “shells” as the Skrulls call them) that have been swapped out for long-term replacement so hopefully later episodes reveal his status.