Secret Invasion: 5 burning questions fans need answered from episode 1

Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury in Marvel Studios' Secret Invasion, exclusively on Disney+. Photo courtesy of Marvel Studios. © 2022 MARVEL.
Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury in Marvel Studios' Secret Invasion, exclusively on Disney+. Photo courtesy of Marvel Studios. © 2022 MARVEL. /
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Secret Invasion
(L-R): Cobie Smulders as Maria Hill and Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury in Marvel Studios’ SECRET INVASION, exclusively on Disney+. Photo by Des Willie. © 2023 MARVEL. /

1. Is Maria Hill actually dead?

In an episode full of twists and turns, the most shocking moment comes in its final seconds when after setting off the three bombs in a crowded Russian plaza, Gravik, posing as Fury, calls Hill over and then shoots her in the stomach. The real Fury rushes over to try and help her but it’s seemingly too late and as she bleeds out, the camera pulls back, lingering on her to make it extra clear that she’s not a Skrull.

While it does a great job of establishing the stakes of the series, it does feel like a gut punch to fans of the character who has been around since The Avengers. Especially since actress Cobie Smulders teased her getting to explore more of her character in the series. Although looking back, that may have been a misdirect to keep the pilot’s twist a surprise.

Considering we’ve seen characters survive far worse in the franchise, this being a fake-out of some sort is not out of the question. The next episode could open with her getting rushed to the hospital and being saved, she could be a Life Model Decoy, or this could just be the end of the character.

Next. Secret Invasion Episode 2 Release Date. dark