In one episode, Secret Invasion already has us on the edge of our seats. Here are the best 5 moments from the pilot.
The newest entry into the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Secret Invasion, based on the comic story of the same name, sees Nick Fury locked into a war with a rogue group of Skulls, the race of shapeshifting aliens who want to fully claim Earth as their new home by sparking an international conflict between major world powers. He and a small team of his closest allies must stop the faction before they can successfully take over the planet.
Full of shocking twists and turns, the pilot introduces the Skrull conflict and the major characters and locations that will be important in the story going forwards. A lot happened during the premiere episode but here are the 5 best moments from episode 1, “Resurrection”.
5. The opening sequence
The opening minutes of a pilot can make or break a series, but luckily Secret Invasion managed to use it expertly. It starts with a familiar face, Agent Everett Ross, meeting with Agent Prescod, a member of the C.I.A. who believes that Skrulls have been carrying out terrorist attacks to take control of the planet.
Prescod presents Ross with all his evidence and theories, hoping he’ll contact Fury. But after beginning to doubt if he can even trust Ross, a fight ensues, leading to Ross killing Prescod. Ross flees the scene and calls for Maria Hill for extraction but realizes he’s getting tailed.
During the chase, he gets badly injured after trying to jump from one building to another. When the man chasing him reveals himself as Talos, we discover that the Ross we were following was actually a Skrull imposter.
What makes this sequence so excellent is even if you thought you had an idea of who was a Skrull, there was no way to know for sure. It’s a tense couple of scenes that keep you guessing until the very end, perfectly setting the tone of the show all before the opening credits rolled. If the entire series keeps up like this, we’re in for a captivating ride.