10. Gotham Knights
The most recent live-action DC TV show on The CW is also the most short-lived. Gotham Knights premiered on TV screens in March 2023 but it was cancelled less than three months later as one of the many casualties in the network’s change in the direction.
The show, which sees a group of young heroes (including Batman’s adoptive son and the Joker’s daughter) framed for the murder of the Dark Knight had a rough start. Its questionable debut trailer did the exact opposite of what a trailer is supposed to do, resulting in a highly divisive response from potential viewers. However, the show itself was much stronger than that and it really found its footing as it went on.
If Gotham Knights had been released a decade ago, it would have been the perfect blend of angst, teen drama, and superhero for The CW. It just arrived at the wrong time and as a result it never fully got the chance to flourish in the way that it should have. But the show had potential; real potential, and the fact that it started realizing that in just a 13-episode single season is a real testament to what an underdog it is.
Honestly, Gotham Knights has cult-classic written all over it.