The Batman is one of the best movies in recent history

(L-r) ROBERT PATTINSON as Batman and ZOË KRAVITZ as Selina Kyle in Warner Bros. Pictures’ action adventure “THE BATMAN,” a Warner Bros. Pictures release. Photo: Jonathan Olley/™ & © DC Comics. © 2021 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. All Rights Reserved.
(L-r) ROBERT PATTINSON as Batman and ZOË KRAVITZ as Selina Kyle in Warner Bros. Pictures’ action adventure “THE BATMAN,” a Warner Bros. Pictures release. Photo: Jonathan Olley/™ & © DC Comics. © 2021 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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The Batman, The Riddler, Batman, Paul Dano, Is Paul Dano a good Riddler?
PAUL DANO as Edward Nashton/the Riddler in Warner Bros. Pictures’ action adventure “THE BATMAN,” a Warner Bros. Pictures release. Photo: Jonathan Olley/™ & © DC Comics. © 2021 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. All Rights Reserved.

I am a villain lover

I always have been. I wear my heart on my sleeves, I am very expressive, and I have the horrible ability of feeling very intensely for others. I love villains who have a really twisted sense of reality, who are so willingly steered in the wrong direction for reasons that would test even the purest of hearts. The Riddler was one of these villains, and I am so blissfully pleased with Paul Dano’s performance. The Riddler was a true lunatic with illusions of grandeur, who went from overly confident in his plans to having a childish tantrum when things didn’t go as he planned. He felt so raw.

Also – surprise! Colin Farrell is the man behind the most perfect makeup job ever as the Penguin. I had no idea he was even in this movie, much less that he’d be this perfect playing this specific character. This is a testament to his acting range, and shows how impeccably cast this movie is.

The Penguin
The Penguin. Image courtesy HBO Max

The best intro and a clever adaptation

You would be absolutely lying right now if you said the first 20 minutes were the best intro a Batman movie could ever hope to have.

The crime, the way everyone hates and distrusts Batman when he’s been helping the police for 2 years, the way Batman saves the man in the subway – it set the stage so solidly, it was only up from there. It painted the picture for us very quickly: Gotham is a very corrupted city where crime doesn’t sleep and evil masterminds infiltrate.

As I stated earlier, this isn’t a movie like The Justice League or Endgame. This is a Batman movie. He doesn’t have these futuristic and otherworldly villains, he fights corruption and psychopaths, There is no need for flashy and shiny things. Even the Batmobile wasn’t flashy, there was no gigantic Batcave with a waterfall, no jets, he used realistic technology like a parachuting suit and bulletproof suit and car. It was a very believable setting and plot, and it helped keep the suspension of disbelief throughout the movie.

All these aspects make it one of the best movies in recent history, especially considering the current influx of superhero movies. With Marvel doing the multiverse and DC trying to restart the DCU, it was refreshing to see a crime show-like movie. It was a film that perfectly embraced the character and the backstory without exaggeration and provided a believable origin story for Batman.

This was not the origin story of Bruce Wayne – this was the origin story of Batman. This is when Bruce Wayne wakes up and says “Yeah, I am not vengeance”.

And that is when the real Batman is born.

And that is why this movie is without a doubt a 10/10, and I will slap the living shit out of anyone that disagrees, Batman-style.