The Marvel Cinematic Universe really kicked into gear when the Avengers were formed, but which of the heroes are the very best of the bunch?
The Avengers are quite possibly the greatest team of heroes to ever suit up on the silver screen. The legendary Marvel Comics heroes finally united in the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s sixth offering, their self-titled movie The Avengers.
It wasn’t easy getting them to that point, as four of the six had starred in their own respective Phase One movies (one of them did twice) leading up to the crossover. Those films were Iron Man, The Incredible Hulk, Iron Man 2, Thor, and Captain America: The First Avenger. Fellow heroes Black Widow and Hawkeye would later headline their own properties in Phase Four (the former a movie, the latter a TV show).
As the Avengers have battled all kinds of evil throughout their run as the MCU’s greatest heroes, the team has grown exponentially to feature a much wider group of heroes, but those original six are highly regarded as the very best that the MCU has to offer.
But which of them is the best, and which ones didn’t quite make the top of the list? Let’s rank them and find out!