Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse was filled with many little secrets and easter eggs, so it’s time we break down 8 of them that you might not have noticed.
Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse was an insanely good movie in all aspects. As a sequel, it successfully expanded on the story and characters established in Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse. As a stand-alone story, it gave audiences enough context and callbacks to previous events to let them fill in the blanks as to what had happened before. From a visual perspective, the movie was jaw-dropping thanks to its multiple styles and seamless animations. And as if it wasn’t enough, it also has a lot of rewatch value thanks to its many easter eggs hidden in each and every frame.
Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse has so many secrets that we have a whole other article breaking down every major reference throughout the movie’s runtime. But it seems that every time we watch Miles’ latest adventure, more and more details are brought to light. So let’s break down eight additional easter eggs and secrets that range from minor brand advertisements to teases of what might happen in the next Spider-Verse movie.
8. The Mary Janes
The introduction of Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse sees Gwen playing the drums while recapitulating the events of the previous movie. Aside from being a beautiful sequence that perfectly sets the mood for everything that would come after it, it also has a neat little secret hidden in it. The band that Gwen plays for is called “The Mary Janes,” as written on the bass drum. That’s an obvious reference to Peter Parker’s romantic interest: Mary Jane Watson, who briefly appears later in the movie.
What makes this easter egg so cool is that it appears just two minutes into the film, letting audiences know they should be on the lookout for many more secrets scattered throughout its runtime.
7. A hint to an obscure Spider-Man villain
Before entering the Guggenheim museum and confronting the Vulture, Captain Stacy was briefed about the situation by another cop named Yuri. While we don’t get to hear her last name, she may be none other than Yuri Watanabe, also known as the villainous Wraith.
In the comics, Yuri was a cop before becoming one of Spider-Man’s enemies. She even appeared in Marvel’s Spider-Man for PS4 as one of Peter’s allies before slowly turning into a vigilante in the DLC. And while we doubt she will appear as a fully fleshed villain in Spider-Man: Beyond the Spider-Verse, her cameo was certainly a neat surprise for Spider-Man fans.