When it comes to members of the X-Men, there are some that are more iconic than others. And Beast is definitely on the list of icons as a founding member.
Considering he was one of the very first mutants to be recruited to the X-Men by Professor X, he is truly a founding member of the team. This means that he is someone that others look up to and respect. And it also means that when it comes to finding actors to take on the role, we need someone who understands that they have very big shoes to fill.
In previous movie adaptations, we have seen Kelsey Grammer and Nicholas Hoult take on the role of Beast and do it in a way that made the character their own. Both actors were truly brilliant as the powerful mutant and it might seem hard to consider anyone else taking over from them. (And honestly, I could see Hoult taking on the role again if he were allowed to or even wanted to.)
Both Grammer and Hoult were able to give us well-rounded versions of Beast, who were easily able to work alongside the primary members of the X-Men that so many of us know and love. We saw them working with Iceman, Jean Grey, Cyclops, and the other founding members of the X-Men in a way that was easy and fluid. They were a team and they made sense as a team.
This means that anyone who takes on the role of Beast has to be able to be a part of a team in a way that makes them stand out in a crowded back of brilliance, while also being able to blend in. And that might just be hard for a new actor to achieve.
However, there are some very interesting actors out there that we think have what it takes to step up and take on the mantle of the Beast for the MCU. Or at the very least, that we think would make a very interesting choice for the role.