6. What If…?
Hiddleston is just one of the many that returned to voice their characters in the animated series, playing Loki in two episodes. The first is “What If…The World Lost Its Mightiest Heroes?” which shows someone has been killing the Avengers candidates before Nick Fury can properly recruit them.
Loki shows up on Earth in the latter half of the episode with the Asgardian army seeking revenge for the death of Thor. After the situation gets explained to him, he teams up with Nick Fury to help expose the killer.
The killer is revealed to be Hank Pym, getting revenge for his daughter, Hope, a S.H.I.E.L.D. killed in the field. The episode ends with Pym arrested and Loki appearing before the United Nations, announcing that he’s taking over the planet.
The second episode he shows up in, “What if Thor was an only child?” shows a world where Loki remained with the Frost Giants but became friends with Thor. Without his brother to grow up with him, Thor becomes a reckless partier. The episode is more comedic when compared to the others and sees Thor throwing a party that almost destroys Earth, putting him in conflict with Captain Marvel.
While the concept behind the show is interesting, the episodes in the first season haven’t been as inventive as they probably could be. While that could be because they wanted to ease viewers into the concept of the multiverse, we hope the second season takes bolder swings.