2. Victoria Pedretti
Despite what some may think, Jean Grey is iconic with immense psychic powers. She’s a character who demands depth and complexity depicted on the big screen. If there’s one actress who can capture the essence of Jean Grey and do justice to her multifaceted nature, it’s Victoria Pedretti.
The MCU has an opportunity to present a reimagined version of Jean Grey, one that showcases her evolution into a powerful and self-assured leader. Victoria Pedretti’s versatility and ability to portray complex characters make her perfect for this role. Look no further than her roles in Netflix’s The Haunting of Hill House and The Haunting of Bly Manor as evidence.
As Eleanor “Nell” Vance in The Haunting of Hill House, the up-and-coming actress dove into the depths of emotional turmoil. She went through hell and came out on the other side as a stronger character. There was a perfect balance of fragility and determination, traits essential to a well-rounded Jean Grey.
And then there was her role as Love in You. She was brilliant, a scene stealer, and that’s saying something, given the screen presence of Penn Badgley. Love was a darker, more sinister character who had fans fooled into thinking she was the girl next door. It was a fantastic performance by an actress who would be perfect for Jean.