Professor X and Sir Patrick Stewart will forever be tied together, still with the MCU there’s likely going to be a new leader of the X-Men
There’s nothing more fun for comic book movie fans than fan casting. This writer has done his fair share over the years, with the latest being six actresses who’d be awesome as Storm. On the flip side, there’s a polarizing aspect to it. You can never really “get it right.” There will always be some people who won’t like who you choose, no matter what — even if there are six options. Try fan-casting an entire X-Men series. Fan-casting Professor X will undoubtedly get people talking. And it’s all because of the two actors who played the role in Fox’s X-Men.
In 2000, Fox cast the perfect Professor X, Sir Patrick Stewart. Credit goes to the greatness of casting director Roger Mussenden, who saw Stewart as the perfect man to play the leader of the X-Men. Before social media was a thing, fans of the X-Men saw Stewart as Professor X thanks to his role in Star Trek as Picard. He went on to play the role for several films, including two sequels and the opening scene in Days of Future Past. Oh, and we sadly saw Wanda kill him in the Marvel Cinematic Universe in Doctor Strange the Multiverse of Madness.
Of course, James McAvoy had some big shoes to fill. Wow did he do a fantastic job portraying the younger version of Charles Xavier? His performance was so well received that fans automatically pinned his name as the guy who could reprise his role in the MCU. Well, despite his age and fantastic portrayal there’s a chance he won’t return. Kevin Feige could opt to go in a different direction. Though, he did bring Ryan Ryenolds over to play Deadpool.
Anywho, for the sake of fan casting, let’s assume the MCU will start over. We have no idea which direction they’ll go, but an anthology series introducing the X-Men would be a good start. With that said, here’s a list of six actors fans want to see play Professor X.