5. Timothy Dalton
Timothy Dalton has starred in the second-fewest James Bond movies. Only George Lazenby starred in fewer Bond movies, and it’s kind of a shame because there are parts of Timothy Dalton’s performance as James Bond that are excellent.
Dalton first appeared as James Bond in The Living Daylights in 1987. He replaced Roger Moore as James Bond, which was a major change of pace for the franchise. Moore was James Bond for more than a decade after Sean Connery, so it was definitely big shoes to fill for Dalton stepping into the role.
In many ways, Dalton’s performance as James Bond is the most similar to Daniel Craig’s interpretation of the role. Dalton is a physical presence, more so than Connery, Moore, and Brosnan. He looks and acts like he could be a super spy. He also lacked a lot of the charisma that Connery and Moore brought to the role.
Unfortunately, Dalton only starred in two Bond movies.
Timothy Dalton’s James Bond movies:
- The Living Daylights (1987)
- License to Kill (1989)