11. Y: The Last Man
Comic book company: Vertigo
This writer can’t say enough positive things about Brian K. Vaughan’s comic book, Y: The Last Man. Out of all the projects on this list, this one has more potential than any of them. It had a flawed lead character who has major growth, a story about different kinds of love, and enough action to keep things moving at a steady pace. There’s also a host of characters that are easy to root for, detest, and get emotional over. Somehow, Hulu missed the mark on all of this and ruined what made this series special.
The biggest problem was the lead character, Yorick. Instead of a lovable and annoying fool, he was an irritating jerk with no redeemable qualities. He wasn’t even funny. At least that would have been entertaining. Thankfully, Ashley Romans balanced the scenes by being the perfect representation of Agent 355. When this show returns, she should *not* be recast.
This writer would like to say more about the show, but he stopped watching it. They took so much away from the source material that it wasn’t worth continuing. Apparently, it wasn’t just someone who was a fan of the comic book. Viewers must have felt the same way since the show was cut short.
Plain and simple, follow the comic book. Everything is right there and doesn’t need tweaking. It also seems relatively inexpensive to make. There aren’t a lot of special effects and making it animated isn’t necessary. Just give Brian K. Vaughn the keys and let him drive the show across the finish line.