Most shocking, brutal, and memorable comic book deaths from Marvel, DC and more
Death is a part of every comic book franchise. Sometimes the moments are pointless and leave people confused. Most of the time, this leads to major upcoming events. For example, Kamala Khan (Ms. Marvel) died in Amazing Spider-Man No. 26. This happened so she could come back and be announced as a mutant. It was also so she could become an X-Man. It may have upset people at first, but it will make sense in the end.
This list is going to highlight the 25 best and most iconic deaths of all time. Some of them are here because they were brutal. Others are surprising. Then there are the ones that left readers emotional. Either way, these are moments that need to be seen. Let’s begin.
Writer’s note. These are not in order of which one is better than the other.

25. Robin vs Nightwing
Comic book: Injustice: Year One
Damian Wayne (Robin) and Dick Grayson (Nightwing) had a one-sided rivalry. Damian was jealous of Dick’s relationship with his father (Batman). It got so heated that he attacked Nightwing while he wasn’t paying attention. When they sparred, Dick would always dodge Daian’s cheap shot. Too bad they weren’t sparring and Dick wasn’t prepared to get hit in the back by his teammate. This ends with Dick falling and breaking his neck on a rock.
Nightwing’s death was so sorrowful that even the inmates of Arkham Asylum stood aside as Batman carried his dead son’s body. They probably all understood what Batman was going through.