Peter Parker reveals his secret identity to Ms. Marvel in Amazing Spider-Man No. 31 showing how important Kamala Khan is to him and this series
The death of Kamala Khan (Ms. Marvel) hit Spider-Man hard. Maybe more than any of the other heroes she knew. Peter felt responsible for her death because she died protecting Mary Jane Watson from a villain he couldn’t stop (Amazing Spider-Man No. 26 by Zeb Wells). He took her death so hard that he almost missed her Janazah. In X-Men: Hellfire Gala, Kamala Khan was returned via the Resurrection Protocols. Unfortunately, the joy of her return was short-lived. Orchis attacked the gala and she was almost killed. Nevertheless, Ms. Marvel persevered.
In X-Men No. 25, Emma Frost made it appear that Kamala never died. The people in the superhero community were the only ones aware of her death. After refusing to hide while mutants were hunted, Kamala met with Spidey to tell him that she was back. Peter told Kamala who he was before she died, but that memory wasn’t recorded. Now, in Amazing Spider-Man No 31, Peter properly reveals his secret identity to Kamala.
Sure, Peter told her who he was when she died. However, this was done better. It added an extended and personal touch to their relationship. They got a chance to share a moment and be vulnerable with each other. Kamala was shocked that she was working with one of her heroes. She was also surprised and happy to find out that Spidey was a nerd. For Peter, he got to show her how proud he was of everything she’s done. Especially after she said that she’s part of the X-Men.
Giving the two heroes time to absorb who they really are is important to their growth. Peter telling Kamala who he is shows that he trusts her. This also makes Ms. Marvel aware that he believes in her. His secret identity isn’t something that Peter willingly tells everyone.
What Ms. Marvel means to Amazing Spider-Man
There are a plethora of Marvel Comics fans who aren’t enjoying the current Amazing Spider-Man run or what’s being done with Ms. Marvel during this series. This writer is not one of them. Zeb Wells has continued to show why Peter Parker’s life is always a mess. As sad as that is, Peter’s never had an extended period of happiness. When he does, then something awful is about to happen.
When it comes to Kamala Khan, she’s been more than just a random character in this series. She left an impact on the series besides just dying. For example, in Amazing Spider-Man No. 30, Norman told a cute story about Kamala. The first time they met, she brought him coffee and said, “Large coffee, extra serum.” While she was embarrassed, it became their thing. From then on, Norman ordered his coffee with extra serum. It made them both smile every time.
It showed that, in her brief time in Amazing Spider-Man, she made him a better person. That’s the effect Kamala has on people. Ms. Marvel may not have been the focus of this series, but that doesn’t matter. In a limited amount of time, she proved she’s Marvel’s brightest star and the epitome of what a hero should be.
Stay tuned to Bam Smack Pow for more Ms. Marvel and Spider-Man news as it comes out.
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