15. Scarlet Witch
Yeah, I know she was never technically an X-Men in the MCU, but that’s why she made the list. She is an X-Men. Fox teased us, by showing a girl who looked like Wanda in X-Men: Apocalypse, but it was never confirmed. Meanwhile, the MCU couldn’t quite figure out what they wanted to do with her. Sure, she got her own spin-off series (which is amazing by the way), but again, she was misused.
The House of M-inspired storyline was a fantastic way to show us how amazing she was; however, in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, she wasn’t an empathetic big bad. Why was she the big bad anyway?
Scarlet Witch was presented as someone who didn’t learn her lesson from WandaVision. The lady was destroying entire universes to get children that technically never really existed. Yeah, it was a mess and stained Wanda, aka Scarlet Witch.
The MCU should have and still can have her as the catalyst for the X-Men. Elizabeth Olsen is so perfect in the role that it’s easy to see her returning as Wanda in a Magneto-type role where she’s protecting a certain group of mutants. This could be a variant that introduces her father, Magneto (yes, I know it’s 50/50 in the comics), and her brother back from the dead, Pietro with his Quicksilver title.
The sky’s the limit, but the MCU didn’t do right by arguably the strongest mutant in the X-Men. She would have been higher on the list, but she was featured quite a bit.