12 most polarizing DC Comics characters
Hate is a strong word, and we’re going all in. First, let’s thank the amazing writers and artists from DC Comics for their amazing contribution for nearly 100 years. Normally, when it comes to the word hate, fans associate it with villains.
Take, for example, The Joker, Batman’s arch-nemesis, who embodies chaos and unpredictability. His character represents the dark side of human nature, challenging the notions of order and sanity. Similarly, Lex Luthor, Superman’s evil counterpart, is driven by a deeply rooted obsession with power, control, and the desire to protect mankind. Or so he says.
Flash is the blueprint of the term Rogues Gallery with a slew of villains that make the hero’s life hell. We all love to hate them, but it’s not always the big bads that get all the hate.
Nah, there are some polarizing heroes that fans simply can’t stand. If you look deep within yourself and think about some of the heroes whose fans hyped up too much or those that were just poorly written, there’s always a good guy you simply hate.
Don’t be surprised if your favorite hero makes this list, and don’t shoot the messenger. There’s no amount of plot armor or prep time to keep anyone from this list.