Here are Rick and Morty’s goofiest, silliest, and “I have no idea what’s happening” moments of the last six seasons.
Adult Swim’s Rick and Morty continues to go strong after 6 seasons of shenanigans. The uniformed may not be aware that silliness isn’t easy to write. The jokes in the popular cartoon aren’t just silly. A lot of creativity goes into the humor. Thankfully, the introduction of the multiverse makes things a little easier.
Establishing multiple realities means there are an infinite amount of beings to use. Each of them provided a unique brand of humor to the show. For example, there’s Mr. Poopybutthole, Unity, and Birdperson. These are only three examples of the creative characters we’ve seen. They aren’t even close to the wild things fans have seen on this show.
Coming up, this writer will break down the goofiest and sometimes unbelievable moments in Rick and Morty’s 6 seasons. It was difficult to pick ten moments from sixty-one episodes. Each of them has more than a couple of scenes and characters that could be in anyone’s top ten. Ice-T/Water-T, Gaia, and Squanchy didn’t make the top ten. Neither did getting the “Get Schwifty” song, Beth leaving her childhood friend to die, or multiversal cable. They all pale in comparison to the following ten moments from Rick and Morty.
Honorable mention: “Rick & Morty’s Thanksploitation Spectacular”
Where does someone begin here? Do you start with Rick turning himself into a turkey every year? How about the turkeys turning themselves into humans to take over the world? Or maybe finding out that pilgrims and the indigenous were actually aliens working together to stop turkeys from taking over? There isn’t a right or wrong place to start here. Everything about this episode is crazy.