15 amazing moments and performers from not so amazing comic book movies

(L-R) EZRA MILLER as Barry Allen/The Flash, SASHA CALLE as Kara Zor-El/Supergirl and EZRA MILLER as Barry Allen/The Flash in Warner Bros. Pictures’ action adventure “THE FLASH,” a Warner Bros. Pictures release. Courtesy of Warner Bros. Pictures/™ & © DC Comics. © 2023 Warner Bros. Ent. All Rights Reserved. TM & © DC
(L-R) EZRA MILLER as Barry Allen/The Flash, SASHA CALLE as Kara Zor-El/Supergirl and EZRA MILLER as Barry Allen/The Flash in Warner Bros. Pictures’ action adventure “THE FLASH,” a Warner Bros. Pictures release. Courtesy of Warner Bros. Pictures/™ & © DC Comics. © 2023 Warner Bros. Ent. All Rights Reserved. TM & © DC
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2. Deadpool in Blade Trinity

Ryan Reynolds’ appearance in Blade Trinity had to have been an audition to play Wade Wilson. The only difference is Reynolds’ character Hannibal King didn’t use swords, have a healing factor, or scarred skin. Other than that, they were the same character.

Unlike Batman and Robin, there’s no amount of marketing that would make this likable. Thankfully, Blade Trinity had Ryan Reynolds. There aren’t many performers who can stand out in a terrible project. Unfortunately, it wasn’t enough to make this anything other than Deadpool featuring vampires.

1. Will Smith in Suicide Squad

Last, but not least, Suicide Squad (the first one). Many look at this as the DCEU’s worst project. There were poor-looking and cast characters at every turn. Of course, people loved Margot Robbie as Harley Quinn. Robbie is one of the best actors alive. And Viola Davis was the perfect pick for Amanda Waller. The one person who doesn’t get the recognition needed is Will Smith. He killed as Deadshot, figuratively and literally.

Like Robbie, it shouldn’t be shocking that Will Smith was fantastic. He’s one of the greatest action stars of all time. What he did here was different. Smith wasn’t the lead but managed to be the best part. For example, the scene where he’s killing Entrance’s minions. This remains the most underrated action sequence in any comic book project.

What other comic book movies should have been on this list? Are there better moments that need to be mentioned? Let us know in the comments below.