21. Gary Green
Like Mona, Gary Green was a bit of a divisive figure. You either loved him or hated him; there was no in-between. I, for one, am trying to find that middle ground, because Gary really worked when Legends of Tomorrow used him right, but he could also be a little too much at times, and that could be a lot.
Let’s talk about it. When he was a Time Bureau agent obsessed with Ava Sharpe because he was rooting for her and Sara Lance to get together, that was a Gary that the fans could relate to. He was annoying, but hilarious. And that’s what Gary could be at his best: hilariously annoying.
However, there were also times when he was just annoying. The fourth season is a perfect example of that, because when the show became more focused on him as a main character (instead of just letting him remain in his brilliant supporting role), it got a lot goofier than it needed to be.
On the other hand, the reveal in season 6 that he was actually a Necrian alien all this time was a random (completely random) touch of genius. It made sense (even though it made no sense) and was the perfect kind of bonkers (but genius) humor that Legends of Tomorrow was known for. And his subsequent relationship with human Gideon? Also a welcome surprise.
All in all, Gary was a bit of a mixed bag, but when he was good, he was great.