Who do the writers of Bam Smack Pow think are the best X-Men to appear in a movie? Find out right here.
In September of 1963, Marvel Comics debuted the X-Men. Jean Grey, Cyclops, Beast, Iceman, Angel, and Charles Xavier came onto the scene and nothing was the same. As time went on, dozens of mutants joined the main mutant roster. Despite the roster change, one thing remains consistent. They’ve always been detested.
No matter how many times they saved the world or universe, they were feared and hated. Sixty years later, mutants are still despised in comics. However, they’re beloved by real-life fans. They’re so popular that the X-Men movies grossed billions of dollars and helped pave the way for comic book projects.
In celebration of the X-Men’s sixty-year anniversary, the writers of Bam Smack Pow voted on the best characters of the 20th Century Fox movies. It was a close vote. Nevertheless, there were five clear winners. Here are the top five X-Men characters from the 20th Century Fox movies.
Tied with 33%: Jean Grey (Famke Janssen), X23/Laura (Dafne Keen), Charles Xavier (Patrick Stewart, James McAvoy)
5. Quicksilver
Actor: Evan Peters
It’s not shocking that Quicksilver was voted into the top five. He may not have been around or as good as James McAvoy or Patrick Stewart (who both played Charles Xavier), but he was crucial to two of the last four X-Men projects. His personality in X-Men: Days of Future Past and Apocalypse added much-needed entertainment.
On top of his character, Quicksilver’s super-speed scenes were unforgettable. It showed a different side of super-speed. Sure, that kind of visual had been used before. But none of them were as good as his.