Blink and you’ll miss a small but sweet Easter Egg in Ahsoka episode 4

Hera Syndulla (Mary Elizabeth Winstead) in Lucasfilm's STAR WARS: AHSOKA, exclusively on Disney+. ©2023 Lucasfilm Ltd. & TM. All Rights Reserved.
Hera Syndulla (Mary Elizabeth Winstead) in Lucasfilm's STAR WARS: AHSOKA, exclusively on Disney+. ©2023 Lucasfilm Ltd. & TM. All Rights Reserved.

Did you catch that?! Ahsoka’s episode 4 had a sweet hidden gem for Star Wars Rebels fans.

So, you thought Anakin popping up at the end of Ahsoka‘s fourth episode was the only call-back moment to make fans gasp, smile, and squeal?

Think again! As Yoda would say, “There is another…”

“Fallen Jedi” did end on a show-stopping, Twitter-breaking moment that had everyone talking – Hayden Christensen graced us with his weirdly de-aged presence! And Vader’s theme song, no less. That by itself was an awesome moment to witness, but if you dig deeper – or in this case, pay close attention – you’ll find a tiny but massively significant detail that’s a treat for Star Wars Rebels fans.

Trust me, it happens so quickly, you could easily miss it if you blinked – which I did the first time and had to go back once my buddy Jon (not Jon Snow, but just as awesome) asked me if I had caught it.

Ahsoka episode 4 Star Wars Easter egg

During the scene where Hera Syndulla and her son Jacen are aboard the Ghost, something very small can be spotted around the dashboard of the ship. You’ll see Hera in the cockpit, and there’s a photo taped up in her space.

Yep. It’s none other than Kanan Jarrus, the love of her life and late Jedi Knight, and a crucial part of the Star Wars Rebels series.

Sure, the photo is blurry. Yes, it’s very quick. But fans of Kanan will immediately recognize that iconic goatee and the pulled-back hair.

Here’s the clip in case you also missed it.

Ahsoka Tano is set to star in her own Star Wars limited series
Ahsoka Tano is set to star in her own Star Wars limited series

What could this Ahsoka episode 4 Easter Egg mean?

This little Easter egg is more than just a nod to fans. It’s a deeper look into the character of Hera and her life. Kanan Jarrus wasn’t just a crew member on the Ghost – he was also Hera’s love and the father of her child, Jacen.

Up until now, Ahsoka has been all about finding Ezra Bridger and has yet to dive into the history of Ezra’s own Jedi Master, Kanan Jarrus. This photo, as quick as it is, could possibly hint that we’ll see more of Kanan’s story in future episodes. It’s also a neat way to tie in the Rebels universe even more within the show. Now we just need Zeb to show up.

So, the next time you watch Ahsoka, keep those eyes peeled. Who knows what other hidden gems we might find?