1. Where are the rest of Kang’s variants?
After He Who Remains took his final bow, the multiverse swung its doors wide open to the calvary of the “other Kangs”. This means a ton of Kangs, with no exaggeration, will be back on the scene. There’s a storm brewing with these guys, and they’re definitely gearing up for some kind of cosmic showdown as remembered from the mid-credit scene from Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania.
Now, while we’re all trying to figure out this Kang chaos, Loki has his own set of problems, as well now. He’s bouncing around, time-slipping from the future to the past and vice versa. And here’s where things got a little interesting for me: During one of his time hiccups, Loki hears a recorded call between Ravonna Rennslayer and Kang. And I’d be lying if I said it didn’t give a nod to their romantic trajectories and overall complicated relationship from the Marvel comics. Could this mean Ravonna and Kang have possibly been in an alliance this whole time, since it seems Loki is in the same timeline yet going back in time itself? The plot thickens…
So, with Kang variants popping up and Loki diving into the past, Loki season 2 will maybe/probably/definitely be bringing some more variants along – we just have to wait and see which ones make their presence felt. We do know Victor Timely will be in it at some point as he has been confirmed (via both the Quantumania post-credits scene and the Loki season 2 trailer), what remains is to see what’s next.
We’re only one episode into Loki season 2, and the intrigue is already through the roof. Here’s hoping that as the season progresses, some of these puzzles get solved properly. But, knowing our favorite whimsical Trickster, we’re in for some time-drama, variant-drama, and maybe a lot of Kang-drama, too. Hopefully the list of post-episode questions isn’t entirely too long by the end of this season. Now is the time for answers, right?
What did you think of the Loki season 2 premiere? What questions did season 2 episode 1 leave you asking?