Batman’s fear of better-trained henchmen is coming true in the recent issue of DC Comics Gotham War.
“Batman was right” is said often in DC Comics. He’s one of the most intelligent and forward-thinking characters in comic books. The problem is he’s stubborn. It leaves his teammates and family members to argue with him while he rarely budges on his opinion. This was the reason the DC Comics Gotham War started.
Nevertheless, it looks like Batman was right. Criminals are criminals and the training they received made them better goons for supervillains. Right now, that villain is Vandal Savage.
At the end of Batman No. 138, Vandal Savage and his daughter Scandal Savage (going as Marquise while with Catwoman) give a speech to a crowd of people. The audience was more than just former goons. They’re the ones that Catwoman trained. The Savages tell them they’re more than just disciples of Catwoman. They’re the League of Shadows they’ll steal immortality.
Vandal Savage’s immortality started when meteors hit Earth. They became the key to making others immortal. Vandal wanted them to help him continue his immortality and keep his mind intact. Unfortunately, Ra’s al Ghul prevented that. Ra’s carefully spread the rocks around the world to prevent a world of undying people. It appears he’s found all the rocks he needed and Catwoman gave him the means to retrieve them.
During this issue of Batman, Vandal discusses how some of the meteor pieces were turned into jewelry. The people that Catwoman coached may have stolen some of that jewelry. It’s more likely that they’re going to rob the rich to get them. Here’s the snag. Under Catwoman’s guidance, there were rules. Vandal Savage isn’t going to care who dies during the robberies.

This isn’t all Catwoman’s fault
“The road to hell is paved with good intentions.” Catwoman wanted to make Gotham and safer place. She came up with a plan, looked it over, and tried to make it work. For a while, it worked. Crime in Gotham City was down 75%. It’s unfortunate that it backfired, but this isn’t all her fault. Batman needs to take some accountability for what’s going on.
When Catwoman brought the idea to the Bat Family (Batman/Catwoman: The Gotham War: Battlelines), Bruce wanted to end it there. He knew that criminals robbing the rich was a bad idea. This writer agrees. Nevertheless, Bruce didn’t try and talk things out. He yelled, argued, and stormed out. Maybe if he’d taken the time to listen, have a calm conversation, and not be stubborn, Vandal Savage wouldn’t have an army of well-trained criminals ready to do his bidding.
Stay tuned to Bam Smack Pow to find out what’s next