18 must-read X-Men comic books of the 2000s

WASHINGTON, DC - JUNE 16: Cosplay, or costume play, actors Eclectic Eevee (L) and Sweet Spectre dress as characters from the X-Men comic books during the first day of Awesome Con at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center June 16, 2017 in Washington, DC. Thousands of fans of popular culture, fantasy and science fiction will gather for the three-day convention that includes comic books, collectibles, toys, games, original art, cosplay and Marvel Comics legend Stan Lee. (Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)
WASHINGTON, DC - JUNE 16: Cosplay, or costume play, actors Eclectic Eevee (L) and Sweet Spectre dress as characters from the X-Men comic books during the first day of Awesome Con at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center June 16, 2017 in Washington, DC. Thousands of fans of popular culture, fantasy and science fiction will gather for the three-day convention that includes comic books, collectibles, toys, games, original art, cosplay and Marvel Comics legend Stan Lee. (Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images) /
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3. Astonishing X-Men

Writer: Joss Whedon

There have been dozens of X-Men stories in the past 60 years. Astonishing X-Men is one of the best because none of them highlighted each character as well as this series.

Cyclops proved he knew how to get the best out of his team. Emma showed she’s more than an ice queen out for herself. Beast’s insecurities almost ruined his life, but, with the help of Abigail Brand, he learned to accept who he is. Colossus returned and reminded the world why he was not to be messed with. Wolverine was in the series but wasn’t the focus. Nevertheless, this showed that he didn’t need to be. He had incredible moments showing his fantastic skills as a fighter and teammate.

The biggest part of the story is Kitty Pryde. She’d always shown that there was potential within her character. In this series, she proved it. Kitty Pryde sacrificed herself and saved the Earth from Breakworld’s bullet. She reached within herself and phased something bigger than she ever had. On top of that, the metal from Breakworld made her sick. She shouldn’t have been able to do that. Yet she continued to phase it throughout the universe. This protected planets from being destroyed.