WWE: 5 things nobody wants to admit about John Cena

John Cena and LA Knight on WWE SmackDown. (Courtesy of WWE.com)
John Cena and LA Knight on WWE SmackDown. (Courtesy of WWE.com) /
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4. John Cena is a top-five sports entertainer

Everyone has their top five favorite sports entertainers in WWE. The three undeniable names are usually Hulk Hogan, “Stone Cold” Steve Austin, and The Undertaker. The next two are usually up for debate. Triple H, Bret Hart, Shawn Michaels, and Kurt Angle are normally mentioned too. As of now, this writer believes that John Cena should now be on the indisputable list.

Look at everything he’s accomplished in his two-decade career. He’s a multiple-time WWE Tag Team, United States, and World Champion – the latter of which he has held for 16 times. A WrestleMania main event staple for years with a plethora of moments during the event, including matches against the likes of Michaels, ‘Taker, and two main-event showdowns against The Rock. He’s had more classic matches than a lot of superstars and may have sold more merchandise than anyone. Plus, it isn’t just the wrestling that puts him there. Sports entertainers have to be great talkers and actors and Cena’s gone toe-to-toe with the best and won.

Few people entertain like Cena because there is little that he can’t do.

The next section is another point that solidifies his ranking.