WWE: 5 things nobody wants to admit about John Cena

John Cena and LA Knight on WWE SmackDown. (Courtesy of WWE.com)
John Cena and LA Knight on WWE SmackDown. (Courtesy of WWE.com) /
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2. John Cena is better than Dwayne Johnson

There’s no question that Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson is one of the greatest sports entertainers of all time. Without his help, the WWF (now WWE) would have lost the Monday Night Wars. His matches were great, his catchphrases are still hilarious, and he helped bring more eyes to professional wrestling. However, almost anything Dwayne can do, Cena can do better.

The only thing Dwayne Johnson has over John Cena is athleticism and good looks. Cena can out-wrestle, out-work, and out-talk The Rock. The last one may seem blasphemous, but here’s the reason why. Cena doesn’t rely on catchphrases like The Rock does. Of course, Cena has the, “You want some? Come get some.” and “You can’t see me.” The difference is Cena doesn’t rely on them to keep the fans captivated.

1. He kept the WWE relevant

When the WWE went from the Attitude Era to the PG/PG-13 era, someone had to take the reins. That person was John Cena. World Wrestling Entertainment needed someone who could appeal to the younger wrestling fans. Cena had the smile, look, and style to make that happen.

As time went on, Cena continued to be the main event star. Even when he lost something good came out of it. For example, his feuds with Edge, Randy Orton, and CM Punk, helped catapult their careers. They were all legends and stars in their own right. But beating the indestructible John Cena made them look like gods.

Next. 10 things nobody wants to admit about The Undertaker. dark

What are some other things that should be on this list? Is John Cena your favorite?